Hello, and thanks for visiting Nordic Notes. My name is Nick, and I will be student teaching in Norway this Spring, the reality of which hasn't hit yet. I'll be living with two other student teachers, and I have created this blog to chronicle our experience. I am looking forward to living within another culture, teaching, eating lots of fresh seafood, and skiing (Norwegians ski before they can walk, right?). Maybe I'll even base jump ... or not (see video at bottom of blog).

Friday, March 12, 2010


A picture taken during one of my walks around town.

After my first week in a Norwegian school, I think I am beginning to understand how the school works … maybe. School here is quite a bit different than in the States. For example, no teacher controls one room, and no teacher has a desk in one room. All of the teachers’ desks/work stations are in the same room, which the teachers return to after class. The students have been a bit shy, but are curious. Their conversation skills are great, but reading comprehension and writing is a struggle for quite a few. Needless to say, their total English skills are quite impressive. Each time I try to learn Norwegian from the students, I usually get laughed at (for good reason). There are some rolled r’s in the language, and I sound like an idiot trying to reproduce them. Whatever the case, it seems to relax the students a bit, which is what I need to get them to speak in English. It will be a bit of trial and error because I have not taught English, let alone teach it to students learning English as another language. There is a ping pong table in the school as well, and Jared and I have logged some significant time on that. Apart from the ping pong table, the recreation for the students here is great. Many "PE" classes involve skiing and climbing. I went with a group of students to rock climb this past Wednesday. Another student has offered to take me fly fishing! I've gone on a few walks around town, which are wonderful.

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