Hello, and thanks for visiting Nordic Notes. My name is Nick, and I will be student teaching in Norway this Spring, the reality of which hasn't hit yet. I'll be living with two other student teachers, and I have created this blog to chronicle our experience. I am looking forward to living within another culture, teaching, eating lots of fresh seafood, and skiing (Norwegians ski before they can walk, right?). Maybe I'll even base jump ... or not (see video at bottom of blog).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lodging and Food

Norwegian breakfast or lunch: biscuit (cracker) with salami and brown cheese

This is what I get to wake up to in the morning. I cannot stress enough how incredible the scenery is. After admiring the place I'll call home for the next 8 weeks, I ate some breakfast before embarking on my first day at a Norwegian middle school ( Ungdomsskule ). Food in Norway is insanely expensive due to a heavy consumer tax. Having said that, people in Norway are paid high wages. A starting teacher in Norway will make around 70,000 $
. In general, people eat much healthier in Norway, and I am hopping to do the same. The high prices work in my favor for that goal. An 12 oz Dr. Pepper costs 4$. Milk ( melk ) in Norway is a little strange compared to milk in the US. They differentiate milk by 1.5, 3.8, and 3.9 %. I'm partial to the 3.9 %. For breakfast and lunch, people generally eat fruit, a lean meat, ( mostly salami), cheese, and a hard bread or biscuit (cracker). There is a local cheese that is sweet, with a brown coloring. It is expensive, but very good. I'm attempting to learn Norwegian, but I get weird/confused looks from most people.


  1. My mom wants to know what kind of fruit you are eating and if the cheese is goat/reindeer or cow.

  2. The brown cheese is from a cow. Most of the fruit is the same, I've had bananas, apples, and even some pineapple. However, there is a yellow berry that grows in the local mountains, which looks like a raspberry, but tastes quite a bit different.
